已發表: 2020-04-09在此博客中,我們將涵蓋您需要了解的有關 Google 網站管理員工具或現在稱為 Google 搜索控制台的所有信息,以及您真正想要確保使用此免費帳戶的原因是因為當 Google 抓取時您的網站 他們會給您一份報告,告訴您他們喜歡什麼,他們不喜歡您的網站 這樣您可以使用這些信息來改善您的網站 提高其性能並幫助它在搜索結果中排名更高 所以在這裡我們會仔細看看在 Google Search Console Tools 的不同部分,以便您了解每個部分的內容以及如何從中受益以及如何使用它 首先,您需要設置您的帳戶,這對您來說非常快速且輕鬆首先登錄您的 Google 帳戶,一旦您進入 Google Search Console 工具,您可能已經擁有該帳戶,您只需在此處插入您的 URL 並在添加 Google 想要知道的屬性後點擊立即添加屬性如果您實際上是該網站的所有者,那麼他們會給您一些方法來實際驗證所有權 他們會給您的第一個選項推薦的選項是上傳一個 HTML 文件,這樣您就需要要做的是單擊要下載的文件,然後您可以通過 FTP 登錄,或者您可以登錄到文件管理器,您可以通過您的主機帳戶通過您的 cPanel 訪問該文件管理器上傳此 HTML 文件,然後您可以通過以下方式驗證您擁有該網站單擊他們在第 3 步中為您提供的鏈接,然後如果您覺得上傳該 HTML 文件不方便,您現在可以單擊下面的驗證,他們確實為您提供了一些您也可以使用的替代方法您將能夠向您的網站添加元標記 您可以登錄到您的域名提供商 如果您已經設置了 Google Analytics,那麼一個簡單的方法就是連接您的帳戶,他們將能夠看到跟踪代碼已經存在也有或使用 Google tag man 所以無論哪個你使用的選項並不重要,所以選擇你覺得最舒服的那個,你可以在最快的時間內完成,但是一旦完成這一步,你的計數就準備好了,你可以開始了,所以讓我們繼續走吧通過您的 Google Search Console Tools 帳戶,現在您的帳戶已經設置完畢,您將看到您的 Google Search Console 儀表板,這將使您大致了解您的網站正在發生什麼,並向您展示任何需要您注意的事情所以在頂部和我們的新的和重要的這將指出谷歌向您發送的任何消息應該引起您注意的任何問題,以便您可以調查這些問題並採取行動以確保您增加您的網站排名更高的能力您將在當前狀態下方看到一些區域它會讓您知道他們是否已抓取您的網站以及他們是否在抓取過程中發現任何錯誤這樣您就可以解決任何問題e 問題,以便下次他們抓取您的網站時將得到解決,並且他們可以在搜索分析下索引更多您的網站,您將能夠更多地了解您的網站出現在搜索結果中的頻率,並查看有關該網站的更多信息但我們稍後也會深入了解更多內容,然後在這裡您可以提交站點地圖,如果您有已提交的站點地圖,它會通知您,以及該站點地圖的進展情況花幾分鐘調整您在 Search Console 帳戶中的設置確實值得,這樣您就可以使用此帳戶收到更好的信息,因此您會注意到在右上角有一個設置圖標,當您單擊該圖標時,您我們提供了幾個不同的選項,所以我想一一介紹這些,這樣您就可以看到您實際需要設置的內容,如果您希望這些都是相對快速的更新,那麼您可以和我一起做,所以我們'我們將從搜索開始h console preferences now here 這是你要啟用或禁用電子郵件通知的地方,所以你絕對要確保你有你的電子郵件通知,因為這樣當谷歌抓取你的網站時,如果他們發現任何錯誤,他們將通過電子郵件發送你這樣你就不必登錄只是為了看看他們是否給你發了任何消息所以絕對確保你已經設置了現在下一個選項是網站設置現在這是一個非常重要的地方我們想設置我們的首選域,默認選項是不設置首選域,但這是你想告訴谷歌你是否希望你的網站的 WW 或非 WWW 版本成為你的主要網站的地方所以選擇您希望成為首選域的那個,然後單擊保存。執行此操作時,您將收到一條消息,說明設置首選域的過程的一部分是驗證您是否也擁有另一個域非 WWW 版本和這樣做的原因是因為谷歌實際上將您網站的兩個版本視為兩個不同的網站,因此您將經歷我們之前經歷的相同過程,然後您可以選擇是否希望谷歌限制它們抓取的頻率你的網站,或者如果你只是想讓他們決定,所以我更願意讓他們決定看看下一個我們有地址的變化,所以這不是你一開始需要做的,但在在您決定更改域名的情況下,這將為您提供一份核對清單,其中包含您需要做什麼才能真正通知 Google 您正在更改您的域名,以便您來到這裡它將為您提供不同步驟的核對清單您可以在此處直接向 Google 提交更改地址請求 接下來是 Google Analytics 屬性 現在您可以從任何分析網站的列表中進行選擇你的屬性已經在您的帳戶中進行了設置,所以如果您有多個,您會在這裡看到它們,如果您只有為該特定站點設置的一個將列在此處,所以我將繼續並選擇此處列出的一個,我將點擊保存它只會要求您確認點擊確定,就是這樣,現在您已將您的 Google 搜索控制台帳戶與您的 Google Analytics 帳戶相關聯,讓我們看看接下來我們有用戶和財產所有者因此,如果您想添加可以幫助管理您的帳戶或能夠查看信息的其他人,您當然已經成為該帳戶的用戶,您可以在此處添加他們,所以您要做的就是輸入他們的 gmail 帳戶,然後您就可以選擇他們是否擁有完全權限,他們幾乎可以做您可以在該帳戶上做的事情,或者您是否想限制它,所以如果您想查看特定角色不同的用戶有你可以點擊這裡鏈接' 我們會具體告訴您什麼可以訪問,什麼不能訪問 下一個是驗證詳細信息 現在這是我們已經完成的 這只是讓您知道當有人嘗試驗證帳戶時是否失敗 是否超出範圍以及他們是如何驗證這個網站的所有權的 這裡最後一個是 associates 所以這是如果你想添加任何新的關聯用戶 所以如果你想擁有一個與你的網站關聯的應用程序並且讓我們說您希望 Google 在某些情況下將用戶直接發送到網絡應用程序而不是您的網站,這將幫助您在此處進行設置,您可以看到這裡只有一些設置,您真的只需要更新它需要一兩分鐘才能完成,但如果您在我們前進時遇到困難,或者當您在此處設置任何這些設置時,現在可能會有所不同,您可以單擊此處的此幫助圖標和此正在去將您直接帶入搜索控制台幫助,您可以在其中輸入不同的問題,它會向您展示所有文檔,因此如果您還需要更多幫助,這是一種非常快速的查找答案的方法,現在可以在導航欄讓我們從消息部分開始,現在 Google 可以向您發送各種消息,這些消息確實會提醒您 Google 發現的任何問題,同時也會為您提供有關如何改進網站的提示,以便這也將有助於提高您的排名,因此我們再次研究瞭如何在向我們發送消息時通過電子郵件通知 Google可能只有您了解它的重要性,如果他們發現您網站上的錯誤增加,Google 會通知您,所以假設您有大量 404 錯誤或頁面未找到錯誤,那麼他們會通知您,所以您你可以去看看問題是什麼並解決它你可能知道擁有一個適合移動設備的網站是多麼重要,如果谷歌檢測到顯示你的網站和移動設備有任何問題,他們也會通知你在您的帳戶中以及 Google 出於任何原因實際上無法訪問您的網站他們會讓您知道他們試圖抓取該網站但我們沒有成功所以您可以調查他們可能沒有的原因如果您的網站有任何惡意軟件或被黑客入侵,他們能夠實際抓取您的網站,他們還會通過您的帳戶通知您,以便您可以快速解決該問題,並確保您的網站不會在搜索引擎排名和當然,您也不會傷害任何訪問者,因為谷歌在發現問題時會讓訪問者知道,因此您想確保盡快解決問題,現在您還可以收到針對你的網站來自谷歌e 同樣,如果他們發現您違反了任何準則,那麼他們會通知您並手動處罰您的網站,但這讓您有機會了解此手動操作,它允許您進入並修復任何可能違反條款的問題,然後您就可以提交您的網站以供重新考慮請求,這樣這將告訴谷歌您已經解決了他們發現的任何問題,這是讓他們知道您的一種方式我們正在努力解決問題並要求他們為您的站點重新編制索引,所以這只是您可能收到的一些消息的一個想法,但接收這些消息非常重要,以確保您能夠快速解決問題,並且在您遇到問題時收到來自谷歌的任何消息,他們通常會給你詳細的步驟,告訴你如何根據他們的建議採取實際行動,或者他們至少會為你提供一個有價值的鏈接,將你帶到正確的地方在我的搜索控制台帳戶中回答如果我作為新帳戶單擊消息,我已經收到一條消息,那就是改善我當前正在設置帳戶的網站的搜索結果,你會注意到它實際上會引導我完成我們在這裡經歷的一些步驟所以它要求我添加我網站的所有版本我可以選擇我喜歡的版本我可以選擇我們實際要採取的目標國家看看我可以在站點地圖中添加一些用戶等等,所以這將引導我完成設置我的首選項的實際步驟,並確保如果我返回我現在可以從我的帳戶中取出所有內容我可以在這裡看到,正如我們剛才所做的那樣,我添加了我的 Google Analytics(分析)帳戶,現在它向我發送一條消息以通知您,因此無論何時您有消息,它們都會出現在左側的消息部分中,我們有四個主菜單項我們有搜索外觀搜索流量Google 索引和抓取,所以我們將一一查看,現在每個都有幾個不同的子菜單,每個子菜單解決不同的問題,所以我們將從這裡的搜索外觀開始,這部分確實可以幫助您控制您的網站如何盡可能多地顯示,因此您會注意到這裡的這個小信息按鈕,這將使您大致了解您可以使用此部分做什麼,因此您可以看到這將向您展示任何問題你的標題實際上顯示它會幫助你看這個片段所以你的描述它也會讓你看你的網站鏈接所以任何在搜索結果中顯示為額外頁面的東西搜索者可以快速跳轉到而不必去主如果您有 Rich Snippets 來展示事件或評論,它還會討論您的 URL,因此您可以在本節中做很多事情,所以讓我們從第一個開始,這裡的第一個是結構化數據,現在是結構化數據 h 讓 Google 了解您的網站實際上是關於什麼的,並幫助它顯示 Rich Snippets 和搜索結果,所以這是您想要向您的網站添加結構化數據標記的時候,這是您可以訪問 gaming org 的地方,您可以查找類型您擁有的內容和代碼中您可以在此架構中添加以告訴 Google 您的內容是關於什麼的,它還會影響他們實際顯示您網站的方式,因此這可以給您帶來優勢,因為假設您有事件而不是僅僅有用戶直接進入您的活動頁面,它實際上可能直接在搜索結果中顯示日期和活動名稱 對於評論和產品,您的數據可以通過不同的方式顯示在搜索結果中,因此結構化數據實際上可以在你的網站,他們會在這裡展示,他們會讓你知道他們是否發現了任何問題,或者你是否可以做些什麼來改進它,因為這個網站沒有任何結構化數據在這一點上,他們正在為您提供一些額外的信息,告訴您去哪裡弄清楚這是關於什麼的,以及您如何在您的網站上實際實施它,現在下一個是豐富的卡片,這實際上是谷歌的新東西現在正在測試所以如果你看這個我們有我們在谷歌中都熟悉的標準結果我們有豐富的片段你可能熟悉他們在這裡給出了食譜的例子他們實際上展示了他們顯示描述的 URL,但隨後他們有一張小圖片,你可以看到他們有評論顯示它告訴你實際製作食譜所需的時間,現在他們正在測試的是豐富的卡片,所以這非常相似到 Rich Snippets 但顯示已更改,所以現在它顯示食譜的圖像 網站顯示的食譜名稱 評論製作食譜需要多長時間,然後用戶可以水平滾動瀏覽這些不同的食譜就像他們想要的一樣,所以它只是顯示相同數據的一種不同方式,現在它只用於許多類別,所以這個網站目前並不真的需要使用豐富的卡片,但如果你正在使用一個有食譜或電影的網站 像這樣的不同事件 您可能會從豐富的卡片中受益 現在數據熒光筆是我們要看的下一個 現在這是一個非常巧妙的功能 因為這是一個讓如果您要顯示評論,或者您將要顯示評論,那麼還有許多其他數據將被查看,以便您可以在下面看到我相信您已經看到了其中一些搜索結果直接在搜索結果中的評論在這裡顯示即將發生的事件,所以這將幫助您直接在搜索結果中顯示該數據,所以即使假設您在搜索結果中排名第 3 或第 4,您仍可能獲得更高的點擊-通過率可能比上面的那些結果你因為你有額外的債務你有吸引註意力的評論的星星你有吸引註意力的事件列表所以確保列表實際上從所有其他搜索結果中脫穎而出你可以體驗更高的點擊率即使你在第一頁上的排名較低,因此該頁面允許您做的是直接在您的網站上標記數據,只需突出顯示並告訴谷歌這些信息是什麼,然後它就會知道這些信息,他們可能會選擇顯示它在搜索結果中,所以我可以做的是單擊開始突出顯示按鈕,然後我可以進入我的主頁 如果我有特定文章或活動頁面,我可以插入內頁 我可以直接在此處插入,然後我想選擇類型我將要分享的信息所以在這裡我可以從文章評論活動中選擇我有本地企業列出了電影產品餐廳軟件應用程序電視劇集所以你可以看到喲你可以直接在搜索結果中顯示很多不同的信息,所以在這裡我將引用一篇特定的文章然後我只是要標記這個頁面現在你可以選擇在其他頁面中標記這個頁面就像它會讓你選擇那些其他頁面並自動在這些頁面上應用相同的設置現在它會做的是它會在網站上顯示實際的文章所以你可以做的就是在這裡突出顯示不同的部分所以我會突出顯示標題然後它會給我一個下拉列表我可以告訴谷歌我突出顯示的內容所以在這裡我要說標題然後你會注意到它會在右側這裡添加如果我想添加圖像 如果我想添加類別 如果有評級 那麼假設這裡有一篇關於特定軟件的文章並且它有不同的評論我需要做的就是現在發布的信息我可以突出顯示頁面上的評論然後選擇t 評級,就像我為標題所做的一樣,也有投票,所以我要做的是我要通過並且我想突出顯示作者我可以通過的發布日期並選擇一個特定的圖像讓我們看看只是選擇圖像作為示例,我可以選擇它,這將突出顯示該文章的主圖像,這樣可能會影響它的實際顯示方式,然後當我完成後,我可以簡單地單擊發布,然後正如您在這裡看到的那樣告訴您您實際發布了哪些頁面您實際上已經提交給谷歌的哪些數據因此谷歌現在將更好地理解這些頁面的內容並可能選擇在搜索結果中以不同方式顯示它可以增加您獲得的點擊次數到您的網站,所以讓我們現在看看 HTML 的改進,如果您在這裡進行了全新設置,它可能還沒有時間抓取該網站並能夠在您的帳戶中顯示信息,但這裡將要發生的是 Google他們會查看您的 HTML,他們會查看您的元標記,他們會顯示他們發現的任何錯誤,因此如果他們發現重複的標題或重複的描述或太長的標題,例如他們看到的任何問題將直接在此處顯示這些,這樣您就知道哪些需要修復您可以更改太長的標題更改彼此重複的標題然後它將幫助您提高排名現在接下來您有網站鏈接所以如果您不熟悉站點鏈接 如果您在搜索結果中看到站點鏈接,您會看到文章或網站的主標題 您會看到 URL,您會看到描述,然後您會看到其他幾個該研究結果下方的鏈接,這些鏈接通常會將您鏈接到網站上的其他熱門頁面或相關頁面,因此現在您無法直接影響這些特定的網站鏈接,您無法告訴 Google 您想要顯示哪些鏈接,但您可以在這裡做的是在你的ite 鏈接部分是你可以告訴他們你不希望他們出現哪些頁面,所以如果例如有一個特定的頁面你不喜歡它你真的不想將用戶發送到那裡有更多相關信息你可以抓住那個 URL,你可以把它扔到這裡來降級這個特定的網站鏈接,這樣你就可以讓谷歌知道這不是與觀眾分享的最佳結果,現在加速移動頁面是搜索外觀下的最後一部分,這又是關於顯示的為移動用戶提供更好的頁面,所以如果他們發現您的移動頁面有任何錯誤,他們會在此處通知您並給您建議,但這也會讓您指定他們稱為 amp 加速移動頁面的特定頁面,所以這些頁面讓我們假設您有兩個頁面,其中一個要呈現給使用台式機的任何人,而不是任何一個使用移動設備的人,而移動設備的頁面加載速度更快,它們可能放置的圖形更少有點不同,但它們確實意味著加載速度非常快並且在移動設備上看起來不錯,因此這允許您指定這些頁面並將用戶定向到這些頁面,因此這將有助於確保您符合 amp 標準使用您的頁面,您可以完成開始使用 amp 的過程,這樣做將確保您將網站設計為適合移動設備,並確保您將出現在搜索結果中對於移動用戶,與其失去您可能從這些用戶那裡獲得的所有流量,不如讓我們繼續前進並轉到搜索流量部分,這部分顯然與您在網站上收到的搜索流量有關的所有信息,以及它為您提供了很多有價值的信息,您可以使用這些信息來真正提高您的排名和流量以及您網站上發生的一切,所以讓我們一一處理這些小節n 現在讓我們從第一個搜索分析開始,如果您剛剛設置帳戶,Google 還沒有機會處理您的流量,因此它無法顯示信息,但隨著 Google 開始能夠顯示您的信息您將獲得所有不同搜索分析的圖表,但您將能夠對其進行自定義,以便您可以真正深入到特定頁面,您可以實際比較不同的頁面,這將告訴您如何可以改善您網站上的內容,所以讓我們看一個示例,假設我們想查看特定的查詢,我們可以在此處插入特定的關鍵字,然後我們可以查看我們可以查看的這些特定關鍵字實際獲得的點擊次數印像數,這是您的網站實際顯示在搜索結果中但不一定實際被點擊的次數,那麼您擁有點擊率,所以這是比較您的 cli cks 與你的印象相比,你的鏈接在顯示時被實際點擊的時間百分比,然後它會根據你正在尋找的時間範圍告訴你你的平均排名在搜索結果中的平均位置,所以在這裡如果正如我提到的,我們正在尋找特定的關鍵字我們可以在這裡做到這一點我們也可以點擊頁面,所以如果你想尋找一個特定的頁面,你想看到為你的網站帶來流量的熱門頁面,你可以這樣做在這裡,但如果您想查看進入您網站的熱門關鍵字,您現在可以搜索查詢,如果您定位到特定國家或更好的是,假設您在此處定位了多個國家,您可以過濾那些國家您實際上想要提供您想要定位的服務,您還可以看到大部分流量來自何處您還可以比較設備有多少用戶實際使用他們的移動設備找到您的網站,然後搜索類型一個如果他們在網絡搜索結果中找到您的內容,他們是通過圖像或視頻找到您的網站,所以這會告訴您人們實際上是如何訪問您的網站的,然後如果您正在尋找特定的數字,您當然可以查看日期範圍所以如果你想回到過去 30 天或者你想比較過去 60 天或者你去年的位置,當你實際顯示你可以點擊的信息時,你現在可以比較所有這些數據關於點擊次數、印象、點擊率和位置,正如我們所討論的,然後圖表將更新,它將向您顯示所有這些信息,所以讓我們看一下實際設置在這裡的網站,所以我們在這裡尋找具體的查詢,我們只想看看給網站帶來流量的頂級關鍵字是什麼,它會在下面列出所有關鍵字,但由於我已經檢查了點擊次數、印象和位置,它會向我顯示所有這些信息在這些關鍵字旁邊,所以我可以看到這個特定關鍵字的 457 次展示,我從中獲得了 117 次點擊,我的平均位置大約是兩個半,所以我看起來可能在位置 1 和 4 2 和 3 之間波動所以我現在可以為該網站帶來大量流量,這些信息很有用,因為您可以從進行這些搜索和過濾中真正獲得很多好處首先比較不同的頁面,尤其是點擊率讓我們說你已經非常努力地創建非常有價值的信息並且您認為自己的帖子非常棒但是您看到這裡的點擊率非常低您得到了很多印象頁面實際上排名但人們不是'點擊它,這樣您就可以返回並調整頁面,以便您可以提高點擊率這可能就像更改標題或更改描述一樣簡單,以便它更相關或更吸引人 我也喜歡使用此工具的原因是當我查找查詢時,我會尋找哪些是推動流量的熱門關鍵字,有時我會找到我無意嘗試排名的關鍵字但他們仍在推動流量,所以假設我在第二頁上找到了一個我實際上穩定排名的關鍵字,但我沒有為此付出任何努力,所以現在只需要付出更多的努力來實際嘗試排名該頁面更高我可以獲得一些額外的反向鏈接我可以更好地優化該特定頁面然後我可以看到流量顯著增加而不需要很多努力所以這是使用你已經必須增加的內容的好方法您的排名並增加您獲得的流量,最後,如果我發現任何我認為與我的實際內容無關的關鍵字,我確實想返回到我的頁面,我想確保我適當地優化它,我確保我刪除了任何導致我為不真正相關的關鍵字排名的東西,這很重要的原因是因為我想確保我的跳出率盡可能低,而跳出率是實際來的人數到你的網站然後立即離開,因為這不是他們要找的東西,他們不會在網站上花時間,所以如果你對不相關的條款進行排名,你希望盡可能地減少它,因為谷歌確實考慮到了在對您的網站進行排名時也要考慮您的跳出率好吧,所以這絕對是您要花一些時間並從中獲得一點樂趣的地方,但是如果您有全新的帳戶,您會發現它不會顯示任何信息,這可能是因為它沒有抓取您的網站,它還沒有出去並找到數據,因為您剛剛設置了帳戶,也可能是您沒有任何指向您網站的鏈接 這實際上是在查看反向鏈接,因此當您有反向鏈接時,它會告訴您總共擁有的反向鏈接數量,它還會告訴您實際鏈接到您的人,您可以查看完整報告其中,它會告訴你最受歡迎的內容,所以這會告訴你人們實際上被哪些內容吸引,是什麼讓他們真正想要鏈接回你的網站,你也會在底部看到它說您的數據是如何鏈接的,這實際上是您的錨文本,那麼人們實際用來從他們的網站鏈接回您的網站的文本是什麼,這樣您就可以了解錨文本的多樣性以及您是否需要現在也調整了其中的任何一個 內部鏈接 內部鏈接實際上是在多次查看從您的站點到您站點上其他頁面的鏈接,一旦找到信息,您會發現這會在此處提供很多信息,但是很多次在這裡他們向您顯示頁面已鏈接 他們有大量鏈接,但可能來自菜單,無論是在頁眉還是頁腳中,所以這對我來說並不總是很相關,但最好確保您是有內部鏈接,所以這是一個很好的提醒,它還提醒您,如果您有較新的頁面,您可以鏈接回舊頁面,或者讓您的舊頁面鏈接到您的較新頁面,以真正了解 Google 如何抓取您的整個網站並成為如果您點擊手動操作,現在還可以通過您的網站傳遞鏈接汁,以幫助對其他一些頁面進行排名您總是想看到的是這條消息就在這裡沒有發現手動網絡垃圾郵件操作如果出於任何原因谷歌已經給你一個手冊他們將在此處告訴您的操作 他們將告訴您他們這樣做的原因,以便您可以返回並立即解決問題,如果您收到手動操作,這通常是因為您有一些不好的鏈接到你的網站或者他們是 v 非常不自然的鏈接,因此您想完成刪除這些鏈接的過程如果您的網站被黑客入侵並且尚未解決如果您的網站上有大量垃圾郵件,這也可能發生這種情況,這時您會看到懲罰對於精簡內容,如果您的網站確實沒有太多價值,或者您的文字很少,您不必擔心手動操作如果您正在構建一個高質量的網站,但任何時候都有任何垃圾郵件正在發生或更多 blackhat,因為他們說您可能會接受 Google 的手動操作are targeting users who speak a specific language or who are in a specific country and this is your way of telling Google that you really want to target visitors in France for example so in the language section let's say you have a website that has multiple languages then you want to point people from specific countries to the page that actually has the specific language that they would be looking for so this is actually code that will go directly on to the web page so that you can direct users to the correct page so this is the code that you would actually insert to your webpage to give you an idea of what that would look like and then that would be found here this is Google's way of telling you that they recognize these tags and that they'll direct users to the right page now under country now let's say you are targeting users in France again if you have a country specific extension then Google is already going to recognize that you are targeting users in that specific country but if you keep your domain more generic so you're using a.com a net org anything that's not country specific but you still want to target specific countries then you want to let Google know that here and you can do that by selecting target users in and then you can select from any country and you can click Save and that is going to update that for you and lastly we have mobile usability so again when you have a site that is just set up Google's not going to have any information for you will happen is when they do have the information money for you they take a look at your site they're going to let you know if there's any issues that they see for presenting your site to mobile users so here for example this one is saying that there's a small font size and they're going to tell you which specific pages they see this on so these are very easy issues to correct you simply go to that page you increase the font size and you're done so this gives you a few different things that you can do to improve your mobile usability which in turn is going to help you increase your rankings as you are compliant with what Google is saying is best for their visitors now we've already covered search appearance and search traffic so we have a better idea of how we can help Google to display our site better in search results and also how to better analyze the traffic that is coming to our website and better help Google target the right visitors for us so now it's time to move on to the Google index section now there are a number of options here in this particular section we have the index status so this is where you can go if you want to find out how many pages Google has actually indexed on your site so this is going to show you let's say if you submit a sitemap and their next call you can see how many pages have actually been indexed and it's also going to show you when you've had additional pages become indexed and also if you've had a decrease in pages that are being indexed so you can identify if there's any issues that are going on now don't be concerned if you don't see a hundred percent of your pages being indexed that's normal that happens but you want to get your number close to the total number of pages typically that y ou have on your website and ideally as you're adding additional content you should see this number continue to rise as well now if you are seeing a lower number of pages and you would be expecting or it's not near that 100 percent mark then you can click on the Advanced tab and that will let you know if there's any pages that you've actually blocked search engines from indexing so let's say if in your robots.txt file which is the file where you can actually tell certain search bots not to actually index the pages or not to access your site that could be a part of the problem as well but this typically is where you're going to block any let's say WordPress logins or if you have private web pages anything that you don't want displayed in search results or that there is no need for Google to crawl you would put those in this file another option is if you are not seeing enough pages is to also go back and look at your sitemap to make sure that you have all of the pages actually listed in t here it may just be time for you to update your sitemap and resubmit that to Google – they can consider indexing additional pages as well now moving on to the content keywords section this is where Google actually analyzes your site and they search your site for the keywords that appear the most frequently and then they give you a full list of all the keywords that they find starting with the one that is the most prevalent a couple ways I like to use this content keyword section is to see if there is any keywords that I would like to have more content about or that I could really improve my rankings for is if there's something that I'm not really targeting as much as I could another reason I like to visit this section is for more of a security standpoint sometimes our sites can be hacked or they can have malware and we may not know so we can look for signs of this and one of the ways we can do that is by looking for content keywords and if on this list you see any keywords that you kno w you haven't talked about on your site or let's say you're running a gardening site or a local plumbing business website but then you see a keywords about gambling or some sort of pharmaceutical keywords then that is a sign that there's something going on and that allows you to catch it and take action on it before it really becomes a bigger problem now we can also take a look at blocked resources and the blocked resources section is if you have particular code that you have blocked search engines from looking at so this could be CSS for example or your JavaScript files and Google could not see how you actually display your site to searchers then they're going to list an error here because they want to be able to also see how you actually display your site to the visitors so this is the easy way to know if that content has been blocked by the developer let's say and this will help you to make sure that Google is indexing your site and making sure that they can see your website like th ey want to now the last section is remove URLs now hopefully this is something that you will never be using because this is really only to be used in emergency situation so Google really doesn't want you to use this unless it's absolutely crucial so if let's say you have confidential information that has gotten out in search results and you want to make sure that you can temporarily hide that page this is where you can go to do that to make sure that that page does not display but you don't want to use this for anything simple so if you have like a 404 error or there's just a page that you don't really want to drive a lot of traffic to for one reason or another you want to make sure that you're handling that directly on your site versus going to Google and asking them to remove it so again this is just more for emergency situations now the final section we have here is the cross-section and this is all about Google actually sending out their bot to actually crawl your website to index your pages and to notify you if there are any issues that they come across during this crawl so the first section here that we want to pay attention to is the crawl errors and you're actually going to see this from your dashboard when you log in ideally you're going to want to see a screen that looks like this where you have all green you have all checkmarks it's not displaying any errors but if there are any errors whether this is pages not found if they're being redirected to a bad page if you have any pages that are being blocked if they're finding any server errors they're going to lose that specifically here they're going to let you know what page they found it on and which error is the most important to fix and then you'll be able to find additional information on how to actually go about fixing it so it's very helpful the next section is crawl stats so here it's going to give you a few different charts that you can take a look at this is going to show you the number of pages tha t are crawled each day and the total amount of content that's actually downloaded each day and so this is showing you how much content they're actually analyzing to index and then below that you'll see how much time they actually spend at crawling the website so the two things to pay attention here is over time you want to see that they're calling more and more pages because you should be adding more more pages more and more content to your website if you're not finding this number going up then this is where you want to look into this a little bit more and you can start by just looking at your sitemap and seeing if it's really showing all of your pages as well you also want to take a look at the amount of time that Google's feds crawling your site because the more time that it takes them this should really be a red flag as well because Google wants to see a fast loading site so if it's taking them a long time it's likely because your site is not really loading fast so that is going to help you really identify if there's something going on in your website or if maybe it's just the host that you're working with so you can help them better crawl the website now fetch as Google is a neat tool because this actually allows you to enter your website or just enter a specific webpage and you can also select the type of device that you want to check it for and then you can just click fetch and this is going to send Google to your site so that they can show you how they actually see your website and how visitors actually see your website so you can make sure that it matches so here if we're looking at a desktop version of the site you can get a screenshot here of the site and you can make sure that it looks the same so this is a good sign it means that that both visitors and search bots are seen the same website now we also have a robots.txt tester and we talked a little bit about robots.txt already and this is going to show you what is actually seen by search bots when they' re looking at your site and it's going to show you what you have asked search bots not to actually look into or index on your website and what it is that you do want them to look into so if you actually want to test something so let's say if you want to see a particular page is actually blocked you can go ahead and enter the URL here and you can test that out and it's going to let you know so if you're not really familiar with robots.txt you and your concern that maybe a particular search bot is not allowed to crawl a particular page or particularly data on your website then you can do a search for that here and test that out and that'll allow you to in Google Search Console make any changes to your actual robots.txt file to help search BOTS better index your site now a very very important section here is the sitemap section and this is what a lot of people use a Google search console account for so right now we don't have any sitemaps and this will be the case when you first start you r account so you can simply click add or test sitemap and this is going to let you submit a sitemap but to also go back and test it to make sure that Google can actually see your sitemap so you'll need to actually upload one so there's lots of ways that you can do it you can do it manually there's also lots of tools online where if you have a smaller site you can just throw in the URL and you can let them know how often you update your site and click start and for up to five hundred pages it's going to create a sitemap for you you can upload that to your site and then you'll be able to submit the you all here and you have uploaded a sitemap for Google to use when they crawl your site for the next time but really in your sitemap you want to be honest about haften your content is changing so if you have let's say a news feed and you know you're constantly updated every hour you want to let them know that if you do it weekly monthly yearly then you want to be honest about that as well bec ause there's really no reason to send Google back to your site to ask them to continually crawl your website and index to make pages if you don't actually have any new content for them to index now when you do have a sitemap that has already been submitted you'll be able to see how much content is on the sitemap how much has actually been submitted how many pages have actually been indexed you can break that down by my web pages images videos so it'll show you all of that information and that's very helpful lastly now we have URL parameters now this is actually one that if you are not familiar with URL parameters that doesn't ring a bell you don't know how to actually work with parameters then this is a section you're going to want to stay away from really because using this incorrectly can really harm how your site appears in search results so if this is something you are familiar with that I would encourage you to go ahead and look into this section if it's something that you would n eed but this is really to show Google when you have the same content on your website but they actually tag it differently at the end of the page name this can help Google know which content to display but like I said if that doesn't make sense to you then I would leave that section alone now the final section we need to look at is the security issues section now obviously any security issue is a very big issue that you should pay attention to so as Google crawls your website if they find any security related issues at all they're going to list them all here and that's obviously something you want to jump on top of immediately so ideally you do want to see this screen here that they have not detected any security issues and this is a good place to come if for instance you are searching for your site and in search results you see a notice that Google puts up if they find any malware on a site that actually warns visitors not to like there that's a good indicator that something is going o n that Google starting to find a problem so that you can come here and this is going to actually give you resources as well if your site has been hacked if there's any malware that's been put on your website this is going to give you the steps to take to actually go about resolving those issues as well as I mentioned earlier on if you need additional help with setting up the Google search console account or really interpreting any of the data that it provides you you can go to this Help section and put in your question here and it will give you documentation about it that's pretty straightforward and very helpful there's also this other resources section here down at the bottom and this is going to give you a variety of sources as it relates to the Google search console and in improving your site for search results so hopefully by now you can see just how important your Google search console account is and that it's very very valuable tool to have when you are working on a website espe cially if you are working to rank a website in search engines Google is going to tell you any issues that they find they're going to give you this free information and you can really use this as a blueprint to help increase your rankings and to help know what Google sees when they look at your site so if you haven't already go set up your Google Search Console account make sure to regularly check in on it and make sure that you have set up to be notified of any issues that Google finds if you have any questions about Google search console please leave them in the comment section thank you for reading our blog.
